How To Increase Your Milk Supply
If you are able to breastfeed, the experience can be a beautiful, bonding, powerful and helpful tool that allows you to positively support you and your bubbas physical, mental, emotional and immune system development. But… it can also be overwhelming, stressful, painful, and difficult - especially if your supply has dropped, if your milk isn’t coming in, or your baby requires more at varying stages of your journey. The good news is that with the right support, nutrition, and information, you can often increase your breast milk supply naturally.
The Benefits Of Fermented Foods
If you’re trying to optimise your health and digestion, you’re probably curious about fermented foods. Over recent years, fermented food and drink have gone from widely unseen in western cooking to lining our grocery store shelves. Let’s break down what fermentation is, why it’s beneficial, and how you can incorporate fermented foods into what can and will be a nutrient dense foods diet!
Food in pregnancy
I thought I would shed a little light on nourishment during pregnancy, which can be a) extremely difficult if anything remotely ‘healthy’ makes you want to vomit, b) confusing and daunting or c) invigorating to know you’re at least doing the best you can, when you can. Whilst I have had my Mothers Blend daily as it covers a lot of the below (thank gawd) there’s more to this with the food we eat daily. Here’s a little snippet 🧡🏻.* Nauseous 🤢? Choose the best version of the crappy food you’re craving. Chips, ice-cream, bacon, chocolate CAN be made healthy....
Foraged, a 6 in 1 Food Supplement
Whilst we don’t believe any single product or supplement can cover all bases, we are a little biassed… because we do believe The Mother’s Blend is pretty darn close to doing so. Every individual has their own unique set of needs, but we see Foraged as a powerful, elite foundation, to cover many of your bases and fill very common nutritional gaps, whilst you weigh up whether you need additional support on top of this.
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