What are some of the best ways to take the blend?
Whilst we often just use a spoon, water and the blend to roughly mix it in a glass and guzzle, I understand some of you want to make sure it is completely emulsified - and this is totally possible! Because the blend is free from chemical emulsifiers (eg soy lecithin), the blend will need a little help to completely mix in water, and the following quick and easy methods help you do just that.
- Use juice instead of water. Whilst to me and many the beetroot juice makes for a sweet taste, organic, pure apple, orange or pineapple juice would be so, so delicious!
- Add your dose to any jar or mixer cup along with just a ¼ - ½ cup of water or juice and shake, shake, shake! It will completely emulsify and is like having a juice with zero pulp.
- Blitz the dose and ¼-½ cup of water in your blender just for a few seconds and it will emulsify to a pure juice.
- Combine the dose with a very small amount of water and turn it into a paste consistency using a spoon then add around ¼ - ½ cup of water until it is fully emulsified.
- Add it into a smoothie or smoothie bowl with foods like strawberry, blueberry, banana, coconut cream, coconut milk or coconut yoghurt, pure grass fed collagen powder, cucumber and zucchini etc
- Gummies, gummies and more gummies! Recipe on our Instagram
- Sprinkle on top of cooled porridge and blend if you choose
- Add to unsweetened yoghurt with berries and/or other fruit
- Gelatin capsules. Whilst this might seem tedious, reports have been that it is super easy and can be worthwhile for those that are very nauseous. You can get gelatin capsules from a health food store or chemist.
- You can also find lots of inspiration on Instagram @sheridanjoyaustin or @foragedforyou_
What does it taste like?
The most prominent flavour in the blend is beetroot! Although you will get hints of the other ingredients in the blend as well. The product was created with no artificial colours and sweeteners. One of MANY reasons for this was because we believe if you are consuming something, taste is all part of the natural process! Having a bubble-gum flavoured powder is so far from the natural taste of foods, which is why we love that our blend is the perfect balance of delicious beetroot and earthy, nutrient-dense, REAL foods, straight from nature.
What time should I have it?
There is no right or wrong here! The best time to take the blend is the time that suits your lifestyle the most.
Do you have a nutrient breakdown?
Yes! We have had some nutrients tested which can be found on our ingredients page and The Mother’s Blend page. Please keep in mind that all of these nutrients are 100% from food! The Mother’s Blend contains no synthetic nutrients.
Where is it made? And where do the ingredients come from?
The Mothers Blend is manufactured in a facility on the Sunshine Coast Australia. Ingredients are sourced from parts of the world they originate from, or are found to be the highest quality. You can find more info on our ingredients here.
Is the level of iodine in the kelp safe for me to have alongside my prenatal?
Taking The Mother's Blend and a prenatal together (depending on the amount of iodine in the prenatal) can sometimes be above the iodine RDI. For example, if your prenatal has 270ug iodine and Foraged has 293ug, this amounts to 563ug. However, this isn’t a major concern because an RDI is not an optimal or 'thriving' dose, it is the value associated with meeting the nutritional requirements of 97% of healthy people within a specific age group - basically, the minimum dose to be able to easily get by.
Do I take the blend on top of my current prenatal vitamins, or does this replace it?
This is best asked of your preferred practitioner! Many women take the blend alongside a prenatal or other supplements, and some women are comfortable taking the blend independently. This is totally dependent on your diet, lifestyle and personal philosophies. It is always best to do your own research, speak with your practitioner, and make the most informed and personalised decision for you and your nutritional requirements!
Is The Mother’s Blend all I need before, during and after my pregnancy?
No once-a-day dose of anything will provide you absolutely everything you need on this journey. You may have personal nutrient deficiencies that need more careful nurturing, but everyone should consume an abundance of real foods throughout this time, the Mothers Blend was created with this in mind. We find it covers a lot of the nutritional gaps throughout this precious time, but as everyone is so unique, it’s no one-stop-shop.
Do I take the blend on top of my current prenatal vitamins, or does this replace it?
This is best asked of your preferred practitioner! Many women take the blend alongside a prenatal or other supplements, and some women are comfortable taking the blend independently. This is totally dependent on your diet, lifestyle and personal philosophies. It is always best to do your own research, speak with your practitioner, and make the most informed and personalised decision for you and your nutritional requirements!
Is The Mother’s Blend all I need before, during and after my pregnancy?
No once-a-day dose of anything will provide you absolutely everything you need on this journey. You may have personal nutrient deficiencies that need more careful nurturing, but everyone should consume an abundance of real foods throughout this time, the Mothers Blend was created with this in mind. We find it covers a lot of the nutritional gaps throughout this precious time, but as everyone is so unique, it’s no one-stop-shop.
I'm a little nauseous, will I be able to take it?
We’ve been there, we feel you. Everyone's a little different when it comes to the taste, and we’ve received feedback from those who love it, and those who say it’s a little difficult to take those tougher, more nauseating days. If you are struggling, you can sneak the blend into juice, smoothies, bliss balls or anything else! You could even try adding a little ginger powder to it to help with the nausea, we hear this also tastes great! Just remember to keep it raw and never heat it to preserve its nutritional value. Alternatively, you could try our new capsules option!
Is the blend only suitable for Mothers and Prenatal women?
No! Whilst it has been developed with mummas in mind, and the ingredients have been included in amounts that are safe to those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, ultimately The Mother’s Blend is FOOD! There is nothing about The Mother’s Blend that is only for women to consume. Due to its nutritional value, it can be beneficial to anyone that tolerates the ingredients, including men!
Is the level of Vitamin A safe for me to have in pregnancy?
One 7.5mg serving of The Mothers Blend contains a small amount of liver. The Vitamin A content of this one serving is 630 mcg, making up around 78% of the RDI. The vitamin A RDI for pregnant women aged 19-30 is 800 mcg per day. An RDI is not an optimal or 'thriving' dose, it is the value associated with meeting the nutritional requirements of 97% of healthy people within a specific age group - basically, the minimum dose to be able to easily get by. The upper limit (highest dose before possible toxicity occurs) however, is 3000 mcg per day, making the vitamin A content in The Mothers Blend very safe. This is also because it is food-based, which is metabolised more effectively by the body in the way it works synergistically with other natural nutrients in the blend. It acts particularly in ensuring the mother doesn't become anaemic during pregnancy but also in nourishing both mum and bub's immune health, skin health, eye development, and bone growth - therefore a deficiency can pose more of a risk to both mum and baby.
I've been told not to consume Liver during pregnancy, what's the deal?
Generally, women are told to avoid consuming large amounts of Liver during pregnancy because it is high in Vitamin A Retinol. We're advised against consuming too much Vitamin A during pregnancy, but certainly not to avoid it all together. Vitamin A is critical for the healthy development of the foetus, such as the development of many organs including the eyes, lungs, heart and kidneys. Vitamin A deficiency poses a risk to both Mother and Baby.
How much choline is in the Mother’s Blend and is it enough to support me throughout my pregnancy?
The amount of choline in The Mothers Blend is 19.1mg per serve.
We suggest if you do not consume eggs and meats, then it is recommended to source a choline supplement throughout pregnancy. However, here is a post Sheridan has written recently on Choline to indicate great sources of choline in one's diet: https://www.instagram.com/p/CrK9l3GrCM7/?hl=en
Sheridan’s Pregnancy Program also dives into choline, sources of it and that if one isn't a vegan, then it can easily be achieved with real food sources. Of course everyone is unique and it is completely up to the individual as to what they would love to do, feel comfortable with and what their practitioner advises.
Is the blend a good source of B Vitamins and Folate?
Foraged is a magnificent source of all B vitamins. B vitamins are commonly found in organ meats (beef liver), legumes (lentils), leafy greens (spinach), seaweed (kelp), and seeds (pepitas). Luckily, these things are all in our blend!
The Mother's Blend contains 80.21mcg of folate per serving. The RDI of folate during pregnancy is 600ug. A few other ways to help you meet this goal is 1 cup of COOKED spinach = ~263mcg. For example, 2 cups of cooked spinach per day + the blend would be around 600mcg. However you may like to diversify and include other folate-rich foods such as cooked dark leafy greens, cooked cruciferous vegetables, asparagus, eggs, legumes and citrus fruits. Alternatively, some like to supplement folate during their pregnancy and we encourage the consideration of activated forms of folate rather than folic acid, as these are much better utilised by the body, providing a better health outcome for you and your bub.
Does The Mothers Blend contain Folic Acid?
No! Folic Acid is the synthetic form of Folate, and The Mothers Blend does not contain any synthetics whatsoever. Many of the ingredients in the blend are naturally high in Folate, you can find the Folate levels here.
I have MTHFR genetic mutation, is the Folate in the blend safe for me to take?
Foraged is in fact ideal for individuals with MTHFR mutation, as the form of folate in our blends is food-based (i.e. from the spinach and lentils). The form of folate found in foods is converted to 5-MTHF, also known as methylfolate. Even if someone has the MTHFR gene mutation, their body can still convert folate from food into the usable form of folate (5-MTHF) through different metabolic routes, not just relying on the MTHFR enzyme. These alternative pathways ensure that those with the genetic mutation can still convert food-based folate to the active form the body requires. Obtaining folate from natural food sources is generally considered beneficial for individuals with MTHFR mutations as it can support their production of 5-MTHF. Synthetic supplements and fortified foods containing folic acid however is a different story, and are best avoided for those with this genetic mutation. That is why we love using food-based nutrients in their most nutrient-dense and bioavailable forms!
Is The Mothers Blend high in histamine?
The Mothers Blend has been tested and is considered ‘low histamine’. The fermentation process is in a controlled environment rather than being a ‘wild ferment’, which also makes for a lower histamine product. So far those sensitive to histamines have tolerated the blend quite well, including Sheridan!
I have a thyroid condition, is the blend safe for me to take?
This is best to ask your preferred practitioner! Everyone is so unique and so are their nutritional requirements. Many thyroid conditions can involve nutritional deficiencies in which the blend can certainly support, as it is wonderful for nutrient replenishment and supporting general thyroid health. However, this is very dependent on each person, the demands of their body, and their health history. This process is absolutely something to work through with your practitioner to ensure the blend is suited for you and the status of your current health condition.
Can I take The Mother’s Blend alongside my medication? i.e. Thyroxine.
As the blend is a food-based supplement, it has no contraindications with medication. It is also a wonderful way to support thyroid health, depending on the individual. As everyone's health and nutritional requirements are so unique, especially when it comes to thyroid health and medication. As always, it is best to ask your preferred health practitioner to ensure the iodine and other nutritional content is ideal for you.
I’m wanting to introduce the blend to my children's diet but they are fussy, any tips?
Whilst we often just use a spoon, water and the blend to roughly mix it in a glass and guzzle, I understand some of you want to make sure it is completely emulsified - and this is totally possible! Because the blend is free from chemical emulsifiers (eg soy lecithin), the blend will need a little help to completely mix in water, and the following quick and easy methods help you do just that.
Can I give my children both cod liver oil and the Children’s Blend, or is this too much Vitamin A?
The Vitamin A RDI’s for children are..
- 7-12 mo - 1431iu (430ug) - generally achieved through breast milk, and is actually an AI (adequate intake) reading rather than an RDI
- 1-3 yo - 999iu (300ug)
- 4-8 yo - 1332iu (400ug)
However, an RDI is not an optimal or 'thriving' dose, it is the value associated with meeting the nutritional requirements of 97% of healthy people within a specific age group - basically, the minimum dose to be able to easily get by. Aiming to reach above the RDI is ideal, which is why we also consider the upper limit, which is the safe dose before toxicity occurs.
The vitamin A upper limits for children are:
- 0-12 mo - 1998iu (600ug)
- 1-3 yo - 1998iu (600ug)
- 4-8 yo - 2997iu (900ug)
If your children are having the recommended doses of Foraged below, they could safely have this amount of cod liver oil below. We used Rosita cod liver oil purely as an example, as this is a common brand customers are asking about.
- 7-11 mo - 3g Foraged = ~226iu vitamin A - could have 1/3-1/2 tsp Rosita cod liver oil per day.
- 1-3 yo - 6g Foraged = ~453 vitamin A - could have 1/3 tsp Rosita could liver oil per day.
- 3+ - 8g Foraged = 605iu Vitamin A - could have 1/2 tsp Rosita cod liver oil per day.
When not both dosing daily, you have a little more wiggle room. For example, if your children were only having it 2 x per week, you could have a little more, as it would still be a safe weekly dose. When they’re run down, you may feel they need it a little more often and this is ok too. Vitamin A is generally safe even and is also very much a necessity, as long as it’s not consistently and consecutively over-dosed.
The Australian guidelines are here:
Information on Vitamin A content in Rosita cod liver oil was taken from their website.
My child is low in iron, how much does the iron content differ from The Mother’s Blend and The Children’s Blend? Should I be giving them The Mother’s Blend if it has more iron?
The Children's Blend contains 622mcg per serving of iron, whereas the Mothers Blend contains 1.45mg (1450mcg) per serving - so more than double. However, a full serving of the Mother's Blend for a child is a very large dose of some of the other nutrients in The Mother’s Blend, which is a good problem to have! But if you are looking to have a higher dose of iron, we would suggest using the Children's Blend but adding additional beef liver capsules daily - whether this is added to their Foraged or just cooked or stirred into their food throughout the day. This would meet their nutritional requirements for their little bodies using The Children’s Blend, but also support a higher iron intake with the beef liver capsules. The other ingredients in Foraged (probiotics, vitamin C, vitamin A, etc) will certainly support the uptake of the iron from beef liver or from a nutritional supplement should you choose to use one. Incorporating grass-fed red meats will be very beneficial for your little one.
How do the overall nutrient levels of The Children’s Blend differ from The Mother’s Blend?
As you can see in the ingredients table here, the blends are different in their nutrient levels. This is of course due to our children having much smaller bodies than us, but also their growing bodies tend to require different nutrients depending on their development stage. We had this in mind when developing The Children’s Blend, to ensure the dosing was perfect for our growing little ones.
Why does The Children’s Blend contain elderberry?
For their little growing immune systems!
Elderberry is an immune powerhouse. It is potent in antioxidants, vitamin C and quercetin! These nutrients are wonderful in supporting immunity, especially anything viral like the common cold going around daycare.
My child is super run down and keeps getting sick, can I give them an extra dose?
Yes! The occasional extra dose of The Children’s Blend is totally safe, especially if they need a little extra nutritional support to recover. Ensuring lots of other food sources of vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, iron, B12 and antioxidants is also very important!
What are your delivery options?
Standard Shipping: Our standard shipping option typically takes 3-7 business days, depending on your location. This is a cost-effective choice for those who are not in a rush.
Express Shipping: Need your order sooner? Choose express shipping to receive your items within 1-3 business days. Additional charges apply for this expedited service.
Note: We dont have control over third party shipping companies. Our partner shipping team dispatch as soon as possible, but we're still at the liberty of corriers like Aus Post, Aramax etc.
How can I track my order?
Tracking your order with Forage For You is easy and convenient. Here’s how you can do it:
- Order Confirmation Email: After placing your order, you will receive a confirmation email containing your order details and a tracking number.
- Tracking Number: Use the tracking number provided in your confirmation email to monitor the status of your shipment.
- Account Dashboard: If you have an account with us, you can log in and go to the 'My Orders' section. There, you’ll find the tracking information and the current status of your order.
- Customer Support: If you’re having trouble tracking your order or if you have any questions, feel free to contact our customer support team. We’re here to help!
We strive to ensure that you have all the information you need to track your order every step of the way.
What payment methods do you accept
At Forage For You, we accept a variety of payment methods to make your shopping experience as convenient as possible. You can pay using:
- Credit and Debit Cards: We accept all major credit and debit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, Amex and more!
- PayPal: Easily pay through your PayPal account for a quick and secure transaction.
- Apple Pay & Google Pay: Use your mobile wallet for a seamless checkout experience.
- Afterpay & ZipPay: Buy now, pay later with our flexible payment plan options.
If you have any questions or need assistance with payment, feel free to contact our customer support team.
What are some of the best ways to take the blend?
Whilst we often just use a spoon, water and the blend to roughly mix it in a glass and guzzle, I understand some of you want to make sure it is completely emulsified - and this is totally possible! Because the blend is free from chemical emulsifiers (eg soy lecithin), the blend will need a little help to completely mix in water, and the following quick and easy methods help you do just that.
- Use juice instead of water. Whilst to me and many the beetroot juice makes for a sweet taste, organic, pure apple, orange or pineapple juice would be so, so delicious!
- Add your dose to any jar or mixer cup along with just a ¼ - ½ cup of water or juice and shake, shake, shake! It will completely emulsify and is like having a juice with zero pulp.
- Blitz the dose and ¼-½ cup of water in your blender just for a few seconds and it will emulsify to a pure juice.
- Combine the dose with a very small amount of water and turn it into a paste consistency using a spoon then add around ¼ - ½ cup of water until it is fully emulsified.
- Add it into a smoothie or smoothie bowl with foods like strawberry, blueberry, banana, coconut cream, coconut milk or coconut yoghurt, pure grass fed collagen powder, cucumber and zucchini etc
- Gummies, gummies and more gummies! Recipe on our Instagram
- Sprinkle on top of cooled porridge and blend if you choose
- Add to unsweetened yoghurt with berries and/or other fruit
- Gelatin capsules. Whilst this might seem tedious, reports have been that it is super easy and can be worthwhile for those that are very nauseous. You can get gelatin capsules from a health food store or chemist.
- You can also find lots of inspiration on Instagram @sheridanjoyaustin or @foragedforyou_
What does it taste like?
The most prominent flavour in the blend is beetroot! Although you will get hints of the other ingredients in the blend as well. The product was created with no artificial colours and sweeteners. One of MANY reasons for this was because we believe if you are consuming something, taste is all part of the natural process! Having a bubble-gum flavoured powder is so far from the natural taste of foods, which is why we love that our blend is the perfect balance of delicious beetroot and earthy, nutrient-dense, REAL foods, straight from nature.
What time should I have it?
There is no right or wrong here! The best time to take the blend is the time that suits your lifestyle the most.
Do you have a nutrient breakdown?
Yes! We have had some nutrients tested which can be found on our ingredients page and The Mother’s Blend page. Please keep in mind that all of these nutrients are 100% from food! The Mother’s Blend contains no synthetic nutrients.
Where is it made? And where do the ingredients come from?
The Mothers Blend is manufactured in a facility on the Sunshine Coast Australia. Ingredients are sourced from parts of the world they originate from, or are found to be the highest quality. You can find more info on our ingredients here.
Is the level of iodine in the kelp safe for me to have alongside my prenatal?
Taking The Mother's Blend and a prenatal together (depending on the amount of iodine in the prenatal) can sometimes be above the iodine RDI. For example, if your prenatal has 270ug iodine and Foraged has 293ug, this amounts to 563ug. However, this isn’t a major concern because an RDI is not an optimal or 'thriving' dose, it is the value associated with meeting the nutritional requirements of 97% of healthy people within a specific age group - basically, the minimum dose to be able to easily get by.
Do I take the blend on top of my current prenatal vitamins, or does this replace it?
This is best asked of your preferred practitioner! Many women take the blend alongside a prenatal or other supplements, and some women are comfortable taking the blend independently. This is totally dependent on your diet, lifestyle and personal philosophies. It is always best to do your own research, speak with your practitioner, and make the most informed and personalised decision for you and your nutritional requirements!
Is The Mother’s Blend all I need before, during and after my pregnancy?
No once-a-day dose of anything will provide you absolutely everything you need on this journey. You may have personal nutrient deficiencies that need more careful nurturing, but everyone should consume an abundance of real foods throughout this time, the Mothers Blend was created with this in mind. We find it covers a lot of the nutritional gaps throughout this precious time, but as everyone is so unique, it’s no one-stop-shop.
Do I take the blend on top of my current prenatal vitamins, or does this replace it?
This is best asked of your preferred practitioner! Many women take the blend alongside a prenatal or other supplements, and some women are comfortable taking the blend independently. This is totally dependent on your diet, lifestyle and personal philosophies. It is always best to do your own research, speak with your practitioner, and make the most informed and personalised decision for you and your nutritional requirements!
Is The Mother’s Blend all I need before, during and after my pregnancy?
No once-a-day dose of anything will provide you absolutely everything you need on this journey. You may have personal nutrient deficiencies that need more careful nurturing, but everyone should consume an abundance of real foods throughout this time, the Mothers Blend was created with this in mind. We find it covers a lot of the nutritional gaps throughout this precious time, but as everyone is so unique, it’s no one-stop-shop.
I'm a little nauseous, will I be able to take it?
We’ve been there, we feel you. Everyone's a little different when it comes to the taste, and we’ve received feedback from those who love it, and those who say it’s a little difficult to take those tougher, more nauseating days. If you are struggling, you can sneak the blend into juice, smoothies, bliss balls or anything else! You could even try adding a little ginger powder to it to help with the nausea, we hear this also tastes great! Just remember to keep it raw and never heat it to preserve its nutritional value. Alternatively, you could try our new capsules option!
Is the blend only suitable for Mothers and Prenatal women?
No! Whilst it has been developed with mummas in mind, and the ingredients have been included in amounts that are safe to those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, ultimately The Mother’s Blend is FOOD! There is nothing about The Mother’s Blend that is only for women to consume. Due to its nutritional value, it can be beneficial to anyone that tolerates the ingredients, including men!
Is the level of Vitamin A safe for me to have in pregnancy?
One 7.5mg serving of The Mothers Blend contains a small amount of liver. The Vitamin A content of this one serving is 630 mcg, making up around 78% of the RDI. The vitamin A RDI for pregnant women aged 19-30 is 800 mcg per day. An RDI is not an optimal or 'thriving' dose, it is the value associated with meeting the nutritional requirements of 97% of healthy people within a specific age group - basically, the minimum dose to be able to easily get by. The upper limit (highest dose before possible toxicity occurs) however, is 3000 mcg per day, making the vitamin A content in The Mothers Blend very safe. This is also because it is food-based, which is metabolised more effectively by the body in the way it works synergistically with other natural nutrients in the blend. It acts particularly in ensuring the mother doesn't become anaemic during pregnancy but also in nourishing both mum and bub's immune health, skin health, eye development, and bone growth - therefore a deficiency can pose more of a risk to both mum and baby.
I've been told not to consume Liver during pregnancy, what's the deal?
Generally, women are told to avoid consuming large amounts of Liver during pregnancy because it is high in Vitamin A Retinol. We're advised against consuming too much Vitamin A during pregnancy, but certainly not to avoid it all together. Vitamin A is critical for the healthy development of the foetus, such as the development of many organs including the eyes, lungs, heart and kidneys. Vitamin A deficiency poses a risk to both Mother and Baby.
How much choline is in the Mother’s Blend and is it enough to support me throughout my pregnancy?
The amount of choline in The Mothers Blend is 19.1mg per serve.
We suggest if you do not consume eggs and meats, then it is recommended to source a choline supplement throughout pregnancy. However, here is a post Sheridan has written recently on Choline to indicate great sources of choline in one's diet: https://www.instagram.com/p/CrK9l3GrCM7/?hl=en
Sheridan’s Pregnancy Program also dives into choline, sources of it and that if one isn't a vegan, then it can easily be achieved with real food sources. Of course everyone is unique and it is completely up to the individual as to what they would love to do, feel comfortable with and what their practitioner advises.
Is the blend a good source of B Vitamins and Folate?
Foraged is a magnificent source of all B vitamins. B vitamins are commonly found in organ meats (beef liver), legumes (lentils), leafy greens (spinach), seaweed (kelp), and seeds (pepitas). Luckily, these things are all in our blend!
The Mother's Blend contains 80.21mcg of folate per serving. The RDI of folate during pregnancy is 600ug. A few other ways to help you meet this goal is 1 cup of COOKED spinach = ~263mcg. For example, 2 cups of cooked spinach per day + the blend would be around 600mcg. However you may like to diversify and include other folate-rich foods such as cooked dark leafy greens, cooked cruciferous vegetables, asparagus, eggs, legumes and citrus fruits. Alternatively, some like to supplement folate during their pregnancy and we encourage the consideration of activated forms of folate rather than folic acid, as these are much better utilised by the body, providing a better health outcome for you and your bub.
Does The Mothers Blend contain Folic Acid?
No! Folic Acid is the synthetic form of Folate, and The Mothers Blend does not contain any synthetics whatsoever. Many of the ingredients in the blend are naturally high in Folate, you can find the Folate levels here.
I have MTHFR genetic mutation, is the Folate in the blend safe for me to take?
Foraged is in fact ideal for individuals with MTHFR mutation, as the form of folate in our blends is food-based (i.e. from the spinach and lentils). The form of folate found in foods is converted to 5-MTHF, also known as methylfolate. Even if someone has the MTHFR gene mutation, their body can still convert folate from food into the usable form of folate (5-MTHF) through different metabolic routes, not just relying on the MTHFR enzyme. These alternative pathways ensure that those with the genetic mutation can still convert food-based folate to the active form the body requires. Obtaining folate from natural food sources is generally considered beneficial for individuals with MTHFR mutations as it can support their production of 5-MTHF. Synthetic supplements and fortified foods containing folic acid however is a different story, and are best avoided for those with this genetic mutation. That is why we love using food-based nutrients in their most nutrient-dense and bioavailable forms!
Is The Mothers Blend high in histamine?
The Mothers Blend has been tested and is considered ‘low histamine’. The fermentation process is in a controlled environment rather than being a ‘wild ferment’, which also makes for a lower histamine product. So far those sensitive to histamines have tolerated the blend quite well, including Sheridan!
I have a thyroid condition, is the blend safe for me to take?
This is best to ask your preferred practitioner! Everyone is so unique and so are their nutritional requirements. Many thyroid conditions can involve nutritional deficiencies in which the blend can certainly support, as it is wonderful for nutrient replenishment and supporting general thyroid health. However, this is very dependent on each person, the demands of their body, and their health history. This process is absolutely something to work through with your practitioner to ensure the blend is suited for you and the status of your current health condition.
Can I take The Mother’s Blend alongside my medication? i.e. Thyroxine.
As the blend is a food-based supplement, it has no contraindications with medication. It is also a wonderful way to support thyroid health, depending on the individual. As everyone's health and nutritional requirements are so unique, especially when it comes to thyroid health and medication. As always, it is best to ask your preferred health practitioner to ensure the iodine and other nutritional content is ideal for you.
I’m wanting to introduce the blend to my children's diet but they are fussy, any tips?
Whilst we often just use a spoon, water and the blend to roughly mix it in a glass and guzzle, I understand some of you want to make sure it is completely emulsified - and this is totally possible! Because the blend is free from chemical emulsifiers (eg soy lecithin), the blend will need a little help to completely mix in water, and the following quick and easy methods help you do just that.
Can I give my children both cod liver oil and the Children’s Blend, or is this too much Vitamin A?
The Vitamin A RDI’s for children are..
- 7-12 mo - 1431iu (430ug) - generally achieved through breast milk, and is actually an AI (adequate intake) reading rather than an RDI
- 1-3 yo - 999iu (300ug)
- 4-8 yo - 1332iu (400ug)
However, an RDI is not an optimal or 'thriving' dose, it is the value associated with meeting the nutritional requirements of 97% of healthy people within a specific age group - basically, the minimum dose to be able to easily get by. Aiming to reach above the RDI is ideal, which is why we also consider the upper limit, which is the safe dose before toxicity occurs.
The vitamin A upper limits for children are:
- 0-12 mo - 1998iu (600ug)
- 1-3 yo - 1998iu (600ug)
- 4-8 yo - 2997iu (900ug)
If your children are having the recommended doses of Foraged below, they could safely have this amount of cod liver oil below. We used Rosita cod liver oil purely as an example, as this is a common brand customers are asking about.
- 7-11 mo - 3g Foraged = ~226iu vitamin A - could have 1/3-1/2 tsp Rosita cod liver oil per day.
- 1-3 yo - 6g Foraged = ~453 vitamin A - could have 1/3 tsp Rosita could liver oil per day.
- 3+ - 8g Foraged = 605iu Vitamin A - could have 1/2 tsp Rosita cod liver oil per day.
When not both dosing daily, you have a little more wiggle room. For example, if your children were only having it 2 x per week, you could have a little more, as it would still be a safe weekly dose. When they’re run down, you may feel they need it a little more often and this is ok too. Vitamin A is generally safe even and is also very much a necessity, as long as it’s not consistently and consecutively over-dosed.
The Australian guidelines are here:
Information on Vitamin A content in Rosita cod liver oil was taken from their website.
My child is low in iron, how much does the iron content differ from The Mother’s Blend and The Children’s Blend? Should I be giving them The Mother’s Blend if it has more iron?
The Children's Blend contains 622mcg per serving of iron, whereas the Mothers Blend contains 1.45mg (1450mcg) per serving - so more than double. However, a full serving of the Mother's Blend for a child is a very large dose of some of the other nutrients in The Mother’s Blend, which is a good problem to have! But if you are looking to have a higher dose of iron, we would suggest using the Children's Blend but adding additional beef liver capsules daily - whether this is added to their Foraged or just cooked or stirred into their food throughout the day. This would meet their nutritional requirements for their little bodies using The Children’s Blend, but also support a higher iron intake with the beef liver capsules. The other ingredients in Foraged (probiotics, vitamin C, vitamin A, etc) will certainly support the uptake of the iron from beef liver or from a nutritional supplement should you choose to use one. Incorporating grass-fed red meats will be very beneficial for your little one.
How do the overall nutrient levels of The Children’s Blend differ from The Mother’s Blend?
As you can see in the ingredients table here, the blends are different in their nutrient levels. This is of course due to our children having much smaller bodies than us, but also their growing bodies tend to require different nutrients depending on their development stage. We had this in mind when developing The Children’s Blend, to ensure the dosing was perfect for our growing little ones.
Why does The Children’s Blend contain elderberry?
For their little growing immune systems!
Elderberry is an immune powerhouse. It is potent in antioxidants, vitamin C and quercetin! These nutrients are wonderful in supporting immunity, especially anything viral like the common cold going around daycare.
My child is super run down and keeps getting sick, can I give them an extra dose?
Yes! The occasional extra dose of The Children’s Blend is totally safe, especially if they need a little extra nutritional support to recover. Ensuring lots of other food sources of vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, iron, B12 and antioxidants is also very important!
What are your delivery options?
Standard Shipping: Our standard shipping option typically takes 3-7 business days, depending on your location. This is a cost-effective choice for those who are not in a rush.
Express Shipping: Need your order sooner? Choose express shipping to receive your items within 1-3 business days. Additional charges apply for this expedited service.
Note: We dont have control over third party shipping companies. Our partner shipping team dispatch as soon as possible, but we're still at the liberty of corriers like Aus Post, Aramax etc.
How can I track my order?
Tracking your order with Forage For You is easy and convenient. Here’s how you can do it:
- Order Confirmation Email: After placing your order, you will receive a confirmation email containing your order details and a tracking number.
- Tracking Number: Use the tracking number provided in your confirmation email to monitor the status of your shipment.
- Account Dashboard: If you have an account with us, you can log in and go to the 'My Orders' section. There, you’ll find the tracking information and the current status of your order.
- Customer Support: If you’re having trouble tracking your order or if you have any questions, feel free to contact our customer support team. We’re here to help!
We strive to ensure that you have all the information you need to track your order every step of the way.
What payment methods do you accept
At Forage For You, we accept a variety of payment methods to make your shopping experience as convenient as possible. You can pay using:
- Credit and Debit Cards: We accept all major credit and debit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, Amex and more!
- PayPal: Easily pay through your PayPal account for a quick and secure transaction.
- Apple Pay & Google Pay: Use your mobile wallet for a seamless checkout experience.
- Afterpay & ZipPay: Buy now, pay later with our flexible payment plan options.
If you have any questions or need assistance with payment, feel free to contact our customer support team.
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