As the weather warms up, so do our cravings! Whilst you can enjoy this creamy, divine hot chocolate without the spiking of Foraged for an additional boost of nourishment, we love it as an excuse to fill both the love AND nourishment cup at once. We, at Foraged, are excited to finally have hacked a way to enjoy a hot chocolate with either of the chosen blends as an additional way to nourish ourselves and/or our children. As you can see, it is only 1 tsp of either blend in this recipe - so take note that if you are wanting this as your daily dose, you will need to have an additional dose through the day or double this total recipe and enjoy it all.
See the below note on how you can turn this hot chocolate into panna cotta pots if you or your little one doesn't drink it all (we all know how they can get!). This way nothing goes to waste and we ensure they are well nourished!
- 1 ½ cups milk of choice (check the ingredients, and see this blog HERE for more information on milks).
- ½ tbsp pure, grass fed gelatine
- 1 tbsp cacao (or carob if this is for your little one and they are cacao sensitive)
- 1 heaped tsp of your chosen fat, such as butter, ghee or coconut oil
- Optional 1 tsp vanilla essence
- 1 tsp Children's Blend or Mothers Blend (see notes below)
- Sweetener to taste, personally I use 20-30 drops monk fruit, honey or maple syrup to taste (such as 1-2 tbsps).
- Optional: a pinch of salt!
1. In your saucepan, heat all of the ingredients except for The Mothers or Children's Blend to 'just' warm enough for your liking. For us, this is around 50 degrees maximum.
2. Remove from the heat, and ensuring it isn't too hot (ie you can easily drink it or pop your finger in and it is simply a nice, tolerable temperature) and blend the chocolate milk with your chosen blend until creamy and frothy.
3. Serve immediately, with optional chocolate shavings on top.
4. If you or your child want seconds, I wouldn't say no, because this means more nourishment!
5. Enjoy!