Whilst we don’t believe any single product or supplement can cover all bases, we are a little biased… because we do believe The Mother’s Blend is pretty darn close to doing so. Every individual has their own unique set of needs, but we see Foraged as a powerful, elite foundation, to cover many of your bases and fill very common nutritional gaps, whilst you weigh up whether you need additional support on top of this.
Foraged is what we see as a 6 in 1 supplement. There was, and still is, nothing like this magic powder on the market! That’s why Sheridan had to create it, for herself, and then for us. While it might seem easy peasy scooping your serving out of your jar or pouch, there was a time when this powder didn’t exist and obtaining these food-based products was not so simple.
There was a time when Sheridan sourced all of these ingredients separately, mixing them together daily. Sourcing them from various companies, spending a lot of time and money doing so, and yet still not entirely sure on the true quality. Now, we have it all conveniently in one spoon: fermented foods that involve a 6 week process to complete, greens, liver, kelp, camu camu, beetroot juice, and more. This one spoonful contains the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet sourced with the utmost highest integrity, and here we are conveniently getting to dose this magic daily!
What makes it so foundational? Why would you benefit from taking this?
Everyone walks into their Foraged journey from a different starting point. Some are depleted, some are thriving, some are purely just curious. Wherever you start from is perfect, but because of this, naturally everyone experiences varying results. What we can definitively say is, based on the reports of over 600 5-star reviews, that taking Foraged may contribute to the following:
A clearer mind and more energy
- The few key ingredients that create this, we think, are the beetroot juice, beef liver, and kelp. The beetroot juice powder acts as the perfect synergist using nitric oxide to enhance nutrient delivery whilst increasing oxygen and blood flow. The beef liver, likely due to its B12, iron and folate content which are all critical for energy and of course, the kelp, acting as a major antioxidant, thyroid supporter and energy-booster.
Hormones have regulated
- Like we mentioned, this looks different for everyone, but we get many reports daily of menstrual cycles regulating, periods becoming pain-free, no more cyclical acne, much better mood and sleep. This is because all of the above rely on adequate nutritional intake and when we have deficiencies, our hormones are one of the first things to let us know. Foraged acts as the ultimate replenisher, and your hormones will absolutely reap the benefits.
Blood pathology has never looked so good
- It’s confusing when we think it's JUST FOOD, how can it have this impact on my blood tests? But that’s exactly it… it’s FOOD, which means its NUTRIENTS. Food is nutrients in their natural state, working together in perfect synergy. Every metabolic process in the body is underpinned by nutrients, which is why we see our diet so profoundly reflected in our pathology reports.
Whether Foraged is your one-stop-shop or whether it’s a layer to your current supplement regime, this potent powder is what we believe to be the ultimate replenisher, the reliable nutritional gap-filler and the trusty 6 in 1 foundational food supplement.