
Vitamin C: Do You Really Know Your Immune Support?

Vitamin C: Do You Really Know Your Immune Support?

Being mid-winter and well and truly amongst the cold and flu season combined with daycare sicknesses, we figured it was definitely time to touch on Vitamin C and the immune system!  We all know vitamin C is important, as we cannot actually synthesise it within our body and therefore it HAS to be supplied by what we eat. So firstly, are you getting enough? And secondly, where are you getting it from? Genetically modified corn? Non GMO corn? Or… food?  Ascorbic acid vitamin C supplements have become increasingly popular, being on most supermarket and health food shop shelves and in...

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Is Cholesterol Really The Issue? | Foraged For You

Is Cholesterol Really The Issue? | Foraged For You

The relationship between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol is misunderstood and much more complex than previously recognised. It was once believed that consuming foods high in cholesterol directly elevated blood cholesterol levels, which demonised cholesterol-rich foods into being the main cause of cardiovascular disease.

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Lectins & Oxalates - Yay or Nay?

Lectins & Oxalates - Yay or Nay?

We live in the most nuanced world when it comes to nutrition. Everyone has an opinion and to be honest, everyone should! Every human body is unique in its needs and each person is the expert of their own body. But it sure can become confusing when you’re constantly reading opposing views on the same topic. One person is saying spinach gives you kidney stones, another is saying spinach is one of the richest sources of folate. So, do we eat the spinach, or not?! Let's chat about it.

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Supporting tiresome, relentless meals with your fussy eating child

Supporting tiresome, relentless meals with your fussy eating child

If you want to feel less alone and (maybe) have a cheeky laugh, tap here to watch this reel that I have recently shared, it turns a lonely world into 'oh, EVERYONE is going through it too'.  Hopefully by now, you have viewed the video that'll (hopefully) encourage a (reluctant) laugh and make you feel extremely seen, because it certainly did for me. Like, is that my child?  If you’re here for the ‘I want to cry more than laugh because this is my daily reality and I’m on my way to a menty b, my child's munching on air...

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