If you're here for the Life Hack Meal that can be dished up for yourself in a few life saving minutes, then stay here. If you're here for the hair, scroll below - but this meal will at least provide you with ample protein + fats + micronutrients + probiotics you need, particularly if you are pairing it with your dose of The Mothers Blend to amplify the iodine, iron and biotin intake that prove necessary for hair growth.
The Life Hack Meal
This meal is for those that want to be nourished, but have only a few seconds, and nothing pre-prepared. It can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch OR dinner, and is mostly for the parent that is on the go, feeding their children, sick of eating their scraps, and wants to ensure they're being nourished, too.
This meal covers so many bases when it comes to protein, fats and incredible micronutrients that are within the nori (iodine), broccoli sprouts, spring onions, coriander, sauerkraut and more, but if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, postpartum or exercising regularly, add some gut friendly rice and BOOM you have yourself a wholesome, complete, protein rich 5 minute no prep meal.
1 x 110g can of wild caught salmon, tuna or your choice of canned fish
1 spring onion, thinly sliced
1 Tbsp sauerkraut
1 handful coriander leaves, chopped
1 handful broccoli sprouts
1/2 an avocado, diced
1-2 tbsp your choice of mayonnaise
1/2 tbsp lime juice (roughly half a lime)
2 nori sheets
Optional: 1/4-1/2 cup rice, particularly if you are preparing for a pregnancy, pregnancy, breastfeeding or regularly exercising.
Optional: Chilli flakes or freshly sliced.
1. This must be made and consumed immediately, if you're preparing it for a meal in advance, just prepare the mixture and leave the nori sheet seperate and prepare it once you're ready to consume it straight away. This is because the nori sheet absorbs the liquid and it will soften with time.
2. When you're ready to devour some nourishing food, mix all of the ingredients except the nori sheets together in a bowl. This mixture can make 2 little nori wraps, so prepare and enjoy your first nori wrap by scooping the mixture into the middle of the nori sheet and folding it up however you wish. Devour, and then prepare your second nori sheet wrap!
3. Enjoy!
Moving onto...
Hair loss + Growth
Hair loss + my human hack meal. What could be REALLY causing everyones hair loss? Supporting our hair externally is fabulous and provides one with a new found confidence, however, there is an intrinsic missing link that if one is experiencing hair loss or lack of hair growth - there is a REAL root cause that is being sorely missed. Use what you please, with a continued curious mind.
Your body is communicating with you in this moment, and it isn’t asking for another bandaid on top.
To me, the foundation of hair loss begins with nutrient deficiencies.
When I revise the below, it makes sense that I had more severe hair loss in my first postpartum experience when foraged didn’t exist, however I didn't lose any with my second postpartum where I was religious with it due to the rich dose of liver for iron and b vitamins, and kelp for iodine. It isn’t to say it is your answer, as you may need MORE, or require further hormone, gut or stress support. However, it would be rude of me not to mention it?
IODINE + IRON, are both major players in boosting and maintaining hair growth. Low iodine can induce low thyroid function, which impairs hair growth. Iron deficiency and/or improper iron metabolism (missing cofactors like vitamin A, magnesium etc) can lead to shedding and lack of hair growth. Clinically and via customers, I have found these to large contributors and once rectified, hair growth improves and hair loss is reduced. Seaweed is your best source of iodine, kelp being the richest source, and organ and red meats are your main sources of iron.
BIOTIN is a B vitamin found in mostly animal products (liver is the largest source) and it is required for keratin synthesis. Liver, eggs, pork, salmon and activated nuts contain biotin, so you could enjoy pate, eat eggs, enjoy salmon and pork.
PROTEIN. If you’re not conscious of it, you're probably not eating enough protein. Collagen + gelatin are incredible additions, however don’t skimp on the real thing. Amino acids (in which make up protein) are essential for hair in itself.
Whilst STRESS, whether it be physical or emotional, is huge and a major factor, nutrients are often still at the basis due to the enormous utilisation of nutrients during that stressful period, sending your body into depletion and therefore shedding the ‘least important’ parts of your body and savouring it for your precious organs.
HORMONES. Higher androgens + lower progesterone and sometimes lower oestrogen, are examples that may induce slower hair growth, hair thinning and/or hair loss. Testing is KEY when it comes to hormones. All of the above, will still greatly matter in this circumstance.
What this all means is that nourishing yourself with those specific foods and nutrients (best from nature) can be critical if you are experiencing hair loss, however also considering your hormones. It may mean that you temporarily need hormonal support and to work on balancing your stress, and therefore hormones. With this, it may mean seeking personalised support via a trusted practitioner.
The below listing is what to consider, but is not limited to and of course guided by your preferred practitioner as to how you are feeling, what you are needing and what you can afford.
Things to note with blood testing is:
- Always ask for a copy! Your practitioner may quote your results as normal, even if it is 1 above the normal reference range. However, we know here that it is still a result to be conscious of and to take precautionary action. We also want to feel as optimal as we can feel, not just average or below!
- Always triple check your thyroid antibodies (within the below recommended testing), and know above 2 TSH is still something to be conscious of and take precautionary action, such as testing for urine iodine to see if it is due to low iodine.
You can organise your own testing through online portals however for this you need to pay (otherwise see your practitioner for cheaper), which allows you to order testing without seeing a practitioner. I suggest taking the results to your preferred practitioner to have them analysed, so you can implement any alterations needed within your diet, lifestyle or supplement regimen.
Don't disregard your symptoms if your tests come back normal.
For your hormone testing, test on consistent times/days if you are getting regular testing. Ideally, hormone testing will be day 2 or 21 (to capture progesterone), and preferably at the same time.
If re-testing nutrients, it is still great to consider testing on the same time of the day/month if possible.
Cortisol can also be high if you have experienced short-lived stress the day before or the day of.
Testing is USUALLY a snapshot, and may not always be accurate at determining your TOTAL health, as it could change the next day or week!
Blood testing you may want to consider:
Full blood examination, iron studies (ensuring it includes haemoglobin), C-reactive protein, blood glucose levels, HbA1c, folate, homocysteine, active B12, total B12, MTHFR, TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), FT3, FT4, Tg Ab, TPO Ab, fasting insulin, red blood cell magnesium, zinc, copper. Urine: spot iodine.
This will ensure you grasp an overview of your health status and where you can fine tune. As you can see, iron, iodine and your overall thyroid status (including autoimmune thyroid antibodies) is also considered here - which often is missed.
Further testing that is optional, dependent on your financial status, practitioner, health status, health history.
- Hair mineral analysis, to detect whether there are heavy metals stored within your body that may need more assistance with releasing.
- GI Mapping stool test, or, Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis.
- If you have been trying to conceive for some time, I suggest seeking personalised advice from a fertility specialist.
- DUTCH Test - dry urine test. This is the preferred testing method for your sex hormones and cortisol levels.
I understand all of this may feel very overwhelming, though hopefully it plants the seed for diving deeper! Please let us know if we can help further, as we of course offer personalised nutrition and naturopath consultations.
But for now, with so much love,
Sheridan x