As long as your relationship with coffee is healthy, coffee CAN be healthy. One coffee (equating to one espresso served however you wish) a day has been shown to be safe during pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding, however, there is a big however. If you feel beyond overwhelmed, strangely or unexplainably exhausted, anxious, or like coffee is triggering any underlying symptoms you're experiencing, then the least you can do is reduce it, or, eliminate it for a period of time to see how you feel.
Coffee blended with fats and protein is much better tolerated than a coffee without these things. The caffeine is much more gentle on your system, and you may find you can still enjoy your brew, just without the less desirable symptoms that were previously coming along with it. The fat and protein slow the release of caffeine into your bloodstream, and therefore your adrenals can often handle the load.
If you are to have coffee without the far and protein added, we suggest having it after breakfast, so you at least have a meal to filter the coffee for you, too.
Note: The below is a guideline, please adjust the ingredients to suit your personal journey and where you are at. If you are breastfeeding or trying to conceive, you can increase the ghee or butter amount to receive even more beneficial fats and slow the release of caffeine even more!
- 1 cup of hot coffee. This may include your espresso (ideally no more than 2 espresso shots), and then topped up with more filtered water to reach your desired sized cup and/or coffee amount. This may equate to roughly 200-250mls liquid in total.
- 1/2 tbsp ghee or butter
- 1/2 tbsp coconut oil or MCT oil
- Optional: 1 tsp gelatine (for frothiness + gut and skin loving support).
- Optional: 1-2 tsps collagen of choice
(for frothiness + gut and skin loving support). - Optional: 1/4 tsp reishi mushroom (for stress adaptation, cortisol regulation, calming support).
- Optional: a sprinkle of ceylon cinnamon (for blood sugar regulation).
- Brew your coffee of choice. You may do this via a plunger, percolator or espresso coffee machine. Add in your water to reach the desired sized coffee.
- Add in your remaining ingredients (much being optional!) and blend on medium to high speed until frothy and creamy.
- Serve immediately, and sprinkle with optional cinnamon!