If you want to feel less alone and (maybe) have a cheeky laugh, tap here to watch this reel that I have recently shared, it turns a lonely world into 'oh, EVERYONE is going through it too'.
Hopefully by now, you have viewed the video that'll (hopefully) encourage a (reluctant) laugh and make you feel extremely seen, because it certainly did for me. Like, is that my child?
If you’re here for the ‘I want to cry more than laugh because this is my daily reality and I’m on my way to a menty b, my child's munching on air and I need all the help I can get’, then I have gone there for you too.
As a nutritionist and mumma of seriously wild men (let's include the adult one, too), I too experience the insanity that comes when they avoid your GOD DAMN DELICIOUS DINNER THAT YOUR HEART SOUL ENERGY LOVE SWEAT TEARS DOLLARS AND I REPEAT, (IN)SANITY, WENT INTO THIS SAID MEAL.
Whilst it is completely normal for a child to go through phases of being fussy, testing their boundaries, attempting to become the boss in the house, avoiding particular foods they just aren't into, etc, there also can be some underlying causes of this being long term and just so severe that they are living off potato chips because in that moment, you just want a child that has something in their stomach.
But let's dive deeper. Some root causes beyond normal child behaviour and fussy eating can include:
- Nutrient deficiencies (eg iron, zinc, magnesium). See more on this below, however I personally find serving The Children's Blend (or Mothers Blend!) a or a combination of the ingredients within it a saving grace due to it assisting with the prevention or treatment boosting iron and zinc, and therefore, works on a potential root cause to ones eating habits.
- Microbiome imbalances (dysbiosis) of the microbes in our gut that include a variety of yeast, bacteria, parasites and viruses whereby the growth or undergrowth of varying microbes can dictate you and your child's food preference, cravings, aversions, like and dislike of foods.
- Stress or fear whilst dining can play a part in your child's eating behaviours and food desires.
- Babies, and surprisingly even toddlers, can be much more intuitive than adults. If they are fighting a virus or bacteria, their body may be communicating to not consume food and instead focus on healing. If you suspect an illness, then you will just need to support them in the best way possible during this time. Make each mouthful as nourishing as possible!
- Tummy pain or discomfort. Consider food intolerances and/or the consumption of food not prepared correctly (such as a grain, nut or seed not soaked, sprouted or fermented). As you have experienced as an adult, when you consume foods that you do not tolerate, it is hard to then feel like eating more food or be adventurous with your choices. Consider investigating personal food intolerances or ensure you're preparing foods as nature and tradition intends us to by cooking, soaking, sprouting or fermenting.
Problem feeding (such as less than 10-20 foods) may mean that there is something else going on, such as digestive and other physiological issues which once you feel you have done everything and intuitively as the parent you feel something isn't right, it is a great idea to seek help. Our team of nutritionists and our naturopath may be able to dive deeper in this with you to help navigate, provide tools or assist on whether it is necessary to be referred to a specialist. What may be considered in those with neurodivergence, is enhanced textural sensitivities that can be supported via professional guidance.
Top tips I have learnt as a nutritionist and with a 3 and 5 year old;
- Your job is done by supplying and offering the food, it is up to them to eat it! I know this can be a hard pill to swallow, but truely, there is not much more you can do, you cannot force them to eat! However, you can continue to consider the below to encourage them to try.
- If you’re concerned or nervous about them not consuming, trying or enjoying the meal you’re supplying, ensure it has one food on the plate or table that they will enjoy. For example, if I am serving something I know they don’t like or that is new to them, I will ensure that at the same time as serving there is also something nourishing that they do like. This way, they may try the new food or food they have not been avoiding, but still be satisfied with their favourite foods. This ensures you don’t feel you need to get up and make something new, and ensure they don’t get into the habit of expecting you to do that. They straight up know that what is on the table, is what they get. This way they are more inclined to try new things and (eventually) never expect or demand something else.
- Without leaving them ravenous, consider reducing snacks in between meals. Most children LOVE a good snack, so I get it, but if you’re in the thick of trying to encourage a better meal time experience and well-nourished child, reduce or avoid the snacking and aim for them to be satisfied at dinner.
- I love filling nutritional gaps with additions like Foraged Children’s Blend (or the Mothers Blend if that is all you have!), collagen into smoothies, sneaking anything into gummies, fermented foods in anything possible to boost a healthy microbiome, bone broth into wraps, curries, soups etc. Keep in mind that when we are aiming to fill nutritional gaps where we can, it can also help reduce issues with the child craving some of those known 'wrong' foods and instead encourage the consumption of healthier, more diverse foods. This is because it will assist in enhancing nutrients like zinc and iron that have been shown to increase fussy eating when there is a deficiency present.
- Ensure they are feeling calm and lacking surrounding stress. Try make meal times fun and calm.
- Eat with them! Demonstrate that you love the food, and that it isn’t scary to try the new or rotated foods.
- Consider their tummy pain or discomfort. Ensure your little one(s) aren't consuming foods they have personal intolerances to, or at least ensure that you are preparing foods as culture, tradition and nature intends us to.
- Consider introducing probiotic rich, raw fermented foods or trusted probiotics recommended by your practitioner (or, us!). Lucky for us, our Children's Blend includes some fermented foods, so if that is all they are consuming at the time (which we get many messages thanking us for the blend when their child is being particularly fussy!), then it is better than nothing and doing some of the work for you! This will assist in rebalancing their microbiome, which will encourage diverse eating and craving healthier foods, rather than only sugar laden or infused with artificial flavours.
- Their microbiome will also begin to rebalance even by consuming more real foods and less processed foods. An array of whole food sources of fibre, fats and proteins is what we are aiming for, and this is the beginnings of better gut health, and therefore an increased chance of consuming healthier foods due to a better composition of healthy gut bacteria.
- Ensure you are offering the meal before they get too tired and are desperate for bed! Their appetite declines rapidly once they hit severe fatigue. They will become irrational and find it difficult to regulate emotions, especially if you are presenting them with a new food or a food they typically aren't comfortable with.
- Offer savoury foods as much as you can, leaving sweet things till after fats and proteins if possible.
- Initially, you may want to 'sneak' foods into their meals in order to rebalance their microbiome by supporting them with fibre, probiotics, fats and proteins. Once you discover that they enjoy it, tell them exactly what is in it so there is no fear surrounding foods they are actually enjoying!
- Involve your little one in cooking when you can, but we are all aware on how tiresome and lengthy this can be, so choose the right time for you or plan ahead so you can safely involve them when you're not so rushed.
- Further testing may include nutrient deficiencies, a gut microbiome test, or further answers may come from visiting a speech pathologist or your trusted health professional.
As mentioned, we are here for more personalised support via consultations, either of our blends will really help nourishing your little one, and all of our recipes provides you something to offer!
I really hope this helps, allows you to feel less alone and keeps you slightly sane!
Sending you an enormous hug and a good luck for your next meal time, Sheridan,
Nutritionist and Founder of Foraged For You x