When you find out that you can't provide nuts in your childs lunchbox, you become a little lost as to what delicious and nourishing snacks they will not only eat, but keep them satisfied and tick all the boxes. This Chewy Chocolate Slice consists of quality, bioavailable protein (particularly when you use activated seeds) and is actual heaven, even for adults.
1/2 cup sunflower seeds (activated if possible)
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds (activated if possible)
1 1/2 cups dried dates
4 Tbsp collagen
4 Tbsp cacao powder
2-3 Tbsp coconut oil (add 2, and then if you feel it needs a little more support at holding, at the third. This will depend on the power of your blender!)
2-3 tsps vanilla essence (add two, and then add more if you think it needs it after you've tasted the final blended mixture!)
2 Tbsp Foraged, The Mothers or Children's Blend
FOR TOPPING ONLY: 3/4 cup of your choice of chocolate, melted down without burning or bubbling in a little pot. This won't take long to melt on just low heat. You'll want to constantly stir to ensure it doesn't burn and remove from the heat the moment it looks like it has nearly fully melted! Gevity, Loco Love, Panna or alike are all great brands for this. You can otherwise combine even parts of cacao powder and coconut oil, and use maple syrup to taste for sweetness.
1. Place all dry ingredients into the blender (dates, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, collagen) and blend on high until all is fine.
2. Add in the remaining ingredients until it forms a more doughy/sticky texture.
3. Line a tray or container with baking paper, pop the sticky mixture into the tray, and then use the back of a spoon to flatten it out.
4. Place in the freezer to begin cooling and hardening. Once cooled completely, top with your melted chocolate.
5. Place back in the fridge or freezer until the chocolate has hardened. Slice, and enjoy!