I thought I would shed a little light on nourishment during pregnancy, which can be a) extremely difficult if anything remotely ‘healthy’ makes you want to vomit, b) confusing and daunting or c) invigorating to know you’re at least doing the best you can, when you can. Whilst I have had my Mothers Blend daily as it covers a lot of the below (thank gawd) there’s more to this with the food we eat daily. Here’s a little snippet 🧡🏻.
* Nauseous 🤢? Choose the best version of the crappy food you’re craving. Chips, ice-cream, bacon, chocolate CAN be made healthy. Go that little step further so you prevent any more inflammation, anxiety, fatigue to your already overworking body, and hope that the nausea will pass ASAP🏻
* FATS // always important, but now REALLY important. For your hormones, balancing BGL’s, absorption of fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K and more. Coconut oil, ghee, butter if tolerated, fats off the meat, olive oil, avocado oil, AND 🏻
* OMEGAS // I personally love cod liver oil and/or the regular and intuitive consumption of salmon with the skin on.
* IODINE // found in kelp, oysters, and trace amounts in other foods but really... not enough. It’s critical for energy, cognition, development of bub (it’s in the blend if you’re into that).
* IRON // your blood volume is increasing exponentially. Liver is your best friend, along with meats, seafoods or soaked/fermented beans + more. If your bloods show a deficiency, you may need to supplement with a practitioner. This is one reason why liver HAD to be in the blend.
* GREENS // if you’re nauseous, treat yourself like a child and hide it wherever you can for fibre, folate, magnesium + more.
* MAGNESIUM // have strong magnesium baths! Supplement if you are getting 2828393 cramps a night or having restless sleeps.
* GELATINE/COLLAGEN/BROTH // to assist the stretching ligaments, skin, gut, and the amino acid replenishment because you’re using a lot to develop baby.
* Listen to your body, except if it’s asking for 37 doughnuts (unless they’re cassava based ).
I HOPE you feel as beautiful and fabulous as you are 🧡